Monday, December 29, 2008

Bunyons Please....

-Ain't It the honest truth...we're a bunch of crazy, up-to-no-good, confident, man hungry women. And we're proud of it. :] These are my main top girls, these are the people with whom i vent, cry, share, gossip, laugh, and eat the most with. These are the people who help make me who i am, they're all so different and so alike and so the best. :] Indeed.
In order of whom i've known the longest, to whom i've known the shortest.

-Shantel - I've known her my entire life, it's weird how that works out, being sisters 'n all. She's always been there for me, supported me, loved me, no matter what. She's basically the best sister and friend i could have ever asked for, she has made me who i am, she's my hero, and i love her with all my heart. I'd do anything for her, anything in the world. I don't know where i'd be without her. I honestly could not live without her, i'd die if i lost her. I can hardly make decisions without her. How could i handle living?
-Amelia - This girl is the silliest, sweetest girl i've ever met, she's got a dark side though, so take caution. She's a fireball, and she keeps me laughing even when she's down, she has a hard time focusing when the t.v.'s on, and i can tell when she's watching it when we're on the phone. So many sleepless nights, where we'd just talk and laugh and play till morning, so many games we never finished, but always loved. I've known her so well for so long i'd swear we were blood. I can't live life without being worried about this girl. 17 years down, the rest of forever to go!
-Melissa - Man oh man, i can't pull out a piece of candy without her eyes getting wide. She's a bottemless pit who couldn't eat enough to save her life. She's quirky, energetic, and a whirlpool of funny. I can't go through a sitting without wrestling over something. She's probably taller than me now, which is so weird. We've had so many adventures, we never needed anything to entertain us, our imaginations were enough. She's the fastest girl i've ever met, she runs like a freaking gazelle, and she's crazy ticklish. I've known her since she was one and it still doesn't feel like long enough. We know way too much about each other, and we'll go swimming every summer till the day we die.

-Kristi - We met on a bus. and we've clicked ever since. We've had so many good times, and laughs they're innumerable. We're almost exactly the same that it's crazy. We don't fight, we don't get sick of each other, we read each other's minds basically. We're NOT together! :] She's helped me realize it's better to go with the flow than be stuck in it. And little things don't matter. We wanna grow old together, live on a beach, and have our kids get married. Yet we don't wanna grow up too fast. Best Friends Forever, that's what Krispy and Chesty Means.

-Melanie - We are so different, and yet so alike, we like the same things, and we don't use disclaimers, because we know what we mean. If i have money, i pay, if she has money, she pays, it's a pretty easy system to get used to. We Sing, We Act, We Talk, We Text, We Work, We Vent. That's us, in a nutshell. We lift each other up when we're down, and slap each other when we need it. We keep each other grounded, and i would be insane without her. i love her, and we will be forever friends, even on the bricks.
-Ms. Jessica T. - I thought she was somebody else when i left the message inviting her to church. and boy am i glad she's her. haha. She was so intimidating to meet, but turns out, we back each other up pretty perfectly. Our chemistry is brilliant, on and off stage, and we talk of the most scandelous things. She changed the way i look at people, best friends, relationships, drama [gossip, not acting], and life in general. She introduced me to the beauty which is classic rock. She gives it to me straight, and holds nothing back. If you can't handle it, you best watch your back, i love her, but i wouldn't cross her for the world.
-Bailey Karen - She actually doesn't have a middle name, she was seriously lacking till i came along. and now she's got a brilliant one. :] I can't believe how far we've come, we're basically sisters, and we know most everything about each other, we both love stuffed animals, and it's ridiculous. but who cares. we love 'em anyways. :] This girl stood by me through church, break ups, heart aches, giggles, moon walking, cuddling, and crowd surfing. Basically my whole life. haha...i take her to bad movies and she holds my hand when i need it. She's a fantastic, inspiring artist, and i will love her till the day i die.
-Emmy - I can't believe how easily we clicked. It was insane, it was like one moment i was looking at her private myspace wondering what she was all about, and then the next moment we were talking for hours and being creeped out by how similar we were. I've never made a fast friend so quickly and had it work out. We've met a whopping total of two times, but we have umpteen million adventures ahead of us. We'll probably end up being next door neighbors 10 to 15 years down the road, and we'll end up doing something crazy like writing letters to each other and mailing them.
-Yeah, we're crazy, but i'd be nothing without them. If i died tonight, i'd be proud to know that i had such amazing people in my life. Nothing can take that away from me. Ever.

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