Monday, December 29, 2008

Fitty Thangs

Fifty things that make me, me. No Specific order, they're people, places, things, experiences, etc. So. here goes. [whew]

1. Kujo - my poor dead dog...he was a dream come true and now he's gone. :[
2. Journaling - because it helps me get my thoughts out and review my life.
3. Kristi Critser - because she keeps me grounded and sane. i wouldn't be the same with out
her. 4. Myspace - what else would i do with my spare time? or my entire life?

5. KFC - because now every other job is like heaven.

6. Primos - because my preffered tastes have changed and expanded for the better.

7. Trampolines - i don't think i'd be as quirky as if i'd never had that concussion. :]

8. Kody Hansen - because he changed my heart. I've never been the same, i'm careful with my heart now, and not with other's.
9. Root Beer Barrels - because if i'd never been caught, i'd have been a liar my whole life.

10. Miko - i'd be SOOOO mormon without you.

11. Ms. Jessica T. - You changed my look of best friends, and showed me new worlds.

12. Joey Zamudio - never breaks traditions.

13. Warts - When i was younger, because i needed more to be concious about. ha.

14. Dogs - my first love, i've never loved deeply since.
15. Super Bad - First Bad movie EVER, and i've gone down hill since. Bravo. :]

16. Danielle Dean - She's an example, always in the back of my mind, to be kind to others.
17. Haunted World - Scarred shitless never felt so good. :]

18. Thomas Newby - i like to be open minded and stubborn thank you. :]

19. Daddy - because he teaches me things most people don't even know about.

20. ma - because who else would be so funny without even knowing it?

21. Kyle - we're so alike and such a bane to each other..but i love him sooo much

22. Sarah - i've wanted to wear slippers outside since.

23. Shantel - if we weren't sisters we wouldn't be friends. so i'm glad we're sisters :]
24. Tom - because i'd be lucky to marry someone even a tenth as amazing as Tom.
25. Bradley - i needed someone to be my friend when i was so much younger. :[
26. Paulina - I've never laughed so hard in all of my life

27. Charlie - I've never loved a child so much. :]

28. Phone - because i love being able to communicate quickly and efficiently :]

29. Lagoon - the place i've had the most, best times.

30. Crying - because my soul needs some way to be cleansed.
31. Jonathon Robert Monasterio - How many heartaches and good times will it take? hopefully
endless amounts.
32. Debonair - oh how we attempted. he changed our outlook on productivity and
time crunches. :]
33. Gum - an extra boost of self confidence.

34. Music - Because it's my world, it helps me feel better about things, and helps me get
through the hard times. I seriously don't know where i'd be without music.

35. Relationships - because i've had one for every year i've been alive...and more, it's starting to get ridiculous, but that's how we grow, and learn who's perfect for us.

36. Win a Date With Tad Hamilton - Because it taught me to be careful who i think i'm falling
in love with, when my real true love might actually be close by.

37. Mormon - because i'd have nothing to believe and hold on to without it.
38. Amelia - fatty, is the closest thing to a sister i have...besides my actual sisters.

39. Melissa - I'd still play king of the bed, or Daemons with you anyday, i love you guys that
much. <3>
40. Emmmmy - you've changed the way i think about things, i try to always be positive and just have fun. :] thanks.
41. Gerard - Because he keeps me safe on the roads. we've had many adventures. :]
[cept he's green and legit]

42. Gerard Way - Whew baby, i'd ball my eyes out if we ever met, he's inspired me so much.
43. Hannah Havoc - never met, but her photography inspires me.

44. Photo Impression - i never would have realized what i reallly wanted to do with my life with out it.

43. Melanie - Because she's always there for me, and she'll hold me when i cry.

44. Edwards - the first job i actually love <3
44. Bailey Karen - because she is someone who i love and worry about.

45. Romeo and Juliet - true love never dies, and i'll never forget it, or want anything more than a love as pure as their's. 46. Acting - it's curious to be someone you're not, and have it be ok, it's my drug, i can't get enough.

47. Just Married - Never gets old, and i will love that movie till the day i die.

48. Boys - Because i would not be the same with out them, relationships, friends, heartaches.
49. Peach Smoothies - like sucking a peach through a straw, it's fantastic, and has changed my life forever...:]]]]]]

50. Cutting Hair - I've never felt so good as when knowing "i can do that" and i can make it how i want it. gives me control. creepy, at least i don't cut MYSELF !

The End, these are simply just a FEW things that make me, me, but it's a start, it's interesting to see where i've been influenced by small things....

you do one now. :]


  1. Hey Emmerson, great list. This is Emmy's sister Jes. She wants to make sure you use a good picture of her. She says she'll send you one if you need her to. So vain. :)
    Oh, I'm glad you don't cut yourself, good job chewing gum instead.

  2. hahaha. thanks. :] i love not cutting myself!
