Thursday, January 22, 2009

Best Weekend of My Life...Ever

Soooo. haha. this weekend was brilliant at the least. it was basically the best ever. Because. my good lovens Emmy came to visit mi casa. Mel and I picked her up on Friday and drug her to [dragged, not drugged] a gay rehearsal for the upcoming musical. the musical isn't gay, but it was a boring rehearsal. so then, we attempted to go to a haunted house, but that didn't work out very well, because some gay guy [don't know if he was actually a gay but....] he like, kicked us off the property which was SUPER rude. but aw well. Then we went to Aquarius and watched Ace Ventura; When Nature Calls and all of us laughed so hard, me, jay, emmy, jonny, miko, jocelyn, and bailey. it was good times then we went home.

On. Saturday we got ready for the day [emmy and i] and then went to Amelia and Melissa's house, and got a dress for Emmy to go to the dance that night, in. because i had to work. so she was going with Melanie.

So then, that night, we went to Shari's with the Edwards crew. which was entertaining. and basically a blast.
Then on Sunday we went to church as normal and then came home and just chilled untill we went to my sister's house and played a good amount of video games. mwahaha. twas fun.

Now, Monday was our busy day. because we had so many adventures planned. FIRST
We made breakfast, Waffles and Waffle sauce. was soooo delicious. and we were glad we started our day like that :]

Then we went to a movie and saw a scary one which i will not mention for personal reasons. hahaha.
Then we went home to cut hair. we cut emmy's first.

Emmy Pre-Hair cut.

Emmy Post-Haircut.

Jay Pre-Haircut.

Jay Post-Hair cut.
i also cut melissa's hair but the pictures didn't turn out the way i wanted them to.

Then we went to a show at the Venue; My Children My Bride, The Human Abstract, Protest The Hero, and As I Lay Dying. which was Super Rad.

This is us stoked to Mosh it up.

Our Group. :] yay. Tom, Jonny, Rey, Emmy, and Chelsea. Jonny looks ticked. :] haha

The Human Abstract.
As I Lay Dying.
Then on Tuesday we went to escuela :] hooray.
here's them at lunch. they look so enthusiastic. mwahahaha.

Mel, Emmy, and Jonny. :] i took the picture obviously

So Basically it was the funnest and we had so many adventures. and we have no doubt that we have many more adventures that lie ahead.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Can't Get Enough

So i cannot stop taking pictures of others now that i've started. here are a few from rehearsal the other day :]

They're so cute. :]

The Men in DREAM they're funnnnnnn.
all of em cept curty :[

Bailey is basically the cutest.

This boy is the cheese to my macaroni. He's my favorite :]

Bailey actually took this one...but it's a good'n

He's so handsome. omgsh. :] i mean...look at that face. :]
JAYYYY. is basically the funnest model in the ENTIRE world. tree hugger.

He's so easy to work with this one is so legitimate. :]

Ok...ultra cheese. buttttt check out the freaking hip shading around his eyes and it makes this photo so chic' :]
the movement in this picture is UN-BEE-LEAVE-ABLE! :] haha go jay!

Oh, miko. :] He's a crazy kid...but his facial region works well with the camera :]

My sister says he looks like a movie star...and i agree...and since that's what he will be's a good thing to know he's got the look :]
My dad says this one is a little more Elton John. :] hahaha. mike's not gay tho.
So basically...i am on a photo rampage... and i'm loving it. :]

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Reaching Out

Man oh man, how a smile can help someone get through a day. I have just been the victem of extreme kindness today, this very day. More than once, and what a difference it makes, and what an example it is to me, to just try to reach out to the people, who are your friends, but not in your inner circle, we always talk about how everyone needs to reach out to those who have no friends, or who look like they've had a bad day, and we should, completely, but what about those people who have friends, or don't look too bad off, we should reach out to them, because they'll notice. I promise they'll notice.

Those people just made my day, so much better. Thanks, and props to them for reaching out to someone.

I Just Decided

I just decided that i'm gonna write two songs for my choir finals. I was going to just pick two regular songs and have someone accompany me. But... i decided that i have so many feelings and thoughts going through my mind that i just really need to get them out somehow, whether it's blogging, journaling, venting, writing, or singing. I might as well try all the different sources available to me, so i can efficiently mull over all the crap that's been happening and that i've been thinking about. I'm really excited. I love to write, and it really helps me express myself. I just hope i will be able to portray my thoughts and emotions through whatever it is that i'll write to the point that the people listening will understand what i felt. Or, if not, at least be touched by it.

Last time it worked out so nicely with the kindly assistance of my good friend Kristi, so i'm crossing my fingers as i go solo with this adventure. But then again, those are my favorite. Who would we be, if we weren't up for a little adventure?

My Day.

-Soooo, today, well, was an interesting day, one of the most interestingest ones i've seen in a good long while :] It was classy, yet daring, and highly hilarious. All because of my friends. They make my life what it is. :]

-So first off, i went to school. blahdy blahdy. Then rehearsal which was pretty legit actually. But besides the obvious... Since i'm going into photography and graphic design, my good friends have been letting me use my ideas on them. God bless their hearts. :] So i went on a spree...-Mike and Mel have really awesome photo chemistry, it made it reeeeal easy to take these :]

-This one...hahaha, mel is so serious, which i love and then bailey is just a creeeepster in the back...classy, always classy. :]

-Melllllll. whew. all i gotta say is that she is one heck of a model. she's angelic. and i love her. :] mwah!

-SO thennnnnn, we left on a rampage with a list of things to do and not sure how to do all of them, it was I, Mel, Kristi, Bailey and Jonny. So a girl's night a man. :] hahaha...we stopped at walmart to casssh my check :]

-Things got a little hairy as you can imagine...we were all frightened...jonny most of all :]

-Then, i had these four, free frosties, so we took advantage and turns out...they were baby frosties...course...they were free. So we enjoyed our frosty shots! mwahahaha

-Then we went to dorsey music to get mel some sheet music. and of course they humored my photography creativity. they're the best :]
-Then mel and i had to check our schedules and whilst we were away, Bailey got frisky with FREAKING BEN STILLER! i never woulda guessed. but she was swooning pretty hard when we whitnessed that which is TROPIC THUNDER! :]

-This is going to be a tradition i think...the corners on the waiting benches at Red Robin are so little cubbies :] we love to hide in them. as you'll notice.

-And jonny just hides behind menus..but it's all good, they were SUUUUCH good fries and onion rings...we ate 2 pounds of fries and one standy thing of Da Rings. they were pretty much tastalicious. :]

-Bailey was oh-so-excited to sit by kristi, butttt kristi had other ideas about that. ;]
-Basically my day was pretty crazy with these kids. they make my life so bearable i can't hang out with them with out having a ball. it's sooper annoying when i wanna be angry. jk. haha.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Random Little Helper

So the other day my dad was shoveling snow, and this little 8 year old girl stopped at the bottem of our drive way and said hello, my dad was like...alright, hey. she asked if he wanted help. it was soooo cute. i snuck these pictures...probably because i feel bad that it wasn't me out there helping my dad, and some random cute little girl replacing me....:[ oh well. it made for cute pictures ;]

Monday, January 5, 2009

Boxes and Bowling.

So the other day at work, i was working the morning shift; 10 - 5, and we were stocking everything like cups and lids and crap like that. Anyways, the cups come in big boxes, and i was standing by one talking to my work buddies, and i look at my friend Ashley, and i say

"Hey Ashley, why don't you get in that box right there?" and as she's getting into the box she says
"I'm not gonna fit" she's a liar. So She gets both legs in the box and attempts to sit down, when she sits on the back of the box and bowls over backwards! Knocking her head on the counter! It happened so fast and was so unexpected that we all just busted up laughing! We were laughing so hard we couldn't breath and poor Ashley was pinned between her folded legs in the box and the counter where she'd landed! We were trying to help her up but everything was difficult mid fits of laughter.

Finally, we get her outta that box and our buddy Max comes around the corner, i look down at the box, over at Ashley, and then at Max and say:
"Hey Max, why don't you get in that box right there?" He looks at me with a funny smirk and struts over, cleaner in hand, like he can do anything. He climbs into the box just like Ashley, and then as soon as he sits down, he snags the back of the box and he bowls over too! We all are laughing uncontrollably now and his frighten face goes backwards! As soon as his head hit the floor it was like a trigger, exploding his legs upward and the box splits in two places, leaving Max sprawled on the ground on the flattened box, and all of us girls falling over laughing. He gets up, cleaner still in hand and red-cheeked walks away to go clean something!
We have crazy times like this at work ALL THE TIME! I can't get enough of these crazies!
man oh man. it was the best day of my freaking life :]

I'm Not Your Late Night Booty Call

So...everyone knows me and Rey broke up right? Ok, cuz on one hand, people are super suprised, and on the other hand, people are super excited. wtf? excited? who are these people. I really just need time to chill and have guys leave me alone. the only guys i can handle are my main guys, there's a couple of em that are just always there for me, so all the other ones can go jump off a bridge. :] safely as possible.

I sound so angry, i'm not, hahaha. i'm actually really happy, i just noticed these random creepy guys myspacing me, and then this one kid that is kinda weird at my school. so otherwise i'm actually just exaggerating....isn't it wizard?

The End

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Love Like That.

I want a love. A precious love that comes only from two hearts beating to the same beat. I want a love where both people are completely themselves, and have nothing to hide. A love where you can be silly and laugh about nothing. A love where you can express yourself and be mad if you need to be. A love where i can be me, and have him love me no matter what. I want a love where you're brashly proud to be loved by this person. Where you can do nothing and have a ball.

I want this, and people get mad when i end relationships for my own reasons, if it's not working out, i'm gonna end it, sorry. I love to meet people, and date, but for the love of everything good and holy can i just have fun, not everything has to be serious, i am to young to be serious, i don't wanna find the one i'm supposed to be with, i want him to jump outta no where and take me by suprise, even if he's been there all along. Who knows? These are things i want to figure themselve's out. Thank you very much, and when they do, i'll be ready for them, which i clearly am not.

Life is for living, and that's what i plan on doing.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Poker Face

How "Spot On" did Lady GaGa get with this song? Seriously, her metaphor is brilliant. Every woman has a "poker face" persay. We all, as the female sex use some form of coy to lure in the men, which isn't always a bad thing, but it's a dangerous game to play, because you could lose everything. Hearts aren't simple things, they're not meant to be broken, and yet it seems, that's all that's happening. Women have such a powerful tool, or influence on decisions men make, and it's easy for them. Just, understand how men work and apply your poker face and Miss, you have all the power you need. Women use this however they want, and rarely let men see beneath their "poker face."

Poker faces work two ways, one, to be used as a lure only, and be discarded as soon as they have their man, and two, to be used as a lure, a tease, a coy, and to keep going to keep men interested to the highest extreme, as soon as the chips fall, she's gone, and the man is kept dreaming.

Dangerous, tactful, useful, and powerful. All women have them, just not all of them are aware.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Emotional Bonds Are Broken

This Liberating feeling is new and suprising. I can move in my own skin with confidence for the first time in a long time. I feel like there's a part of me that's changing and i'm not sure what it is yet, but i am sure it will come in time. I don't even care, as long as i feel like this i could do anything and laugh about it. There's a change inside me that i can't explain, it's the equivilent to stretching out on the warm summer carpet, when the sun rays come through the window and hit your face, its so relaxing and sweet that you laugh. I'm laughing people, and i don't plan on stopping. "the world is a playground, we know it when we're kids, just somewhere along the way we forget it"

I like this. I'll fight for it. I won't give it up. No one can take it from me, I don't need anyone to make me happy. I make me happy. and i'm confident in that. i don't need no man.