Sunday, January 11, 2009

Can't Get Enough

So i cannot stop taking pictures of others now that i've started. here are a few from rehearsal the other day :]

They're so cute. :]

The Men in DREAM they're funnnnnnn.
all of em cept curty :[

Bailey is basically the cutest.

This boy is the cheese to my macaroni. He's my favorite :]

Bailey actually took this one...but it's a good'n

He's so handsome. omgsh. :] i mean...look at that face. :]
JAYYYY. is basically the funnest model in the ENTIRE world. tree hugger.

He's so easy to work with this one is so legitimate. :]

Ok...ultra cheese. buttttt check out the freaking hip shading around his eyes and it makes this photo so chic' :]
the movement in this picture is UN-BEE-LEAVE-ABLE! :] haha go jay!

Oh, miko. :] He's a crazy kid...but his facial region works well with the camera :]

My sister says he looks like a movie star...and i agree...and since that's what he will be's a good thing to know he's got the look :]
My dad says this one is a little more Elton John. :] hahaha. mike's not gay tho.
So basically...i am on a photo rampage... and i'm loving it. :]

1 comment:

  1. hey what happened to posting everyday??! lol
    hey u should come check out my blog.
    I tagged you in my last post!!!
    love ya!
